Dr Ox / Tom
Dr Ox posseses many traits of an oxen: strength, hunger, being immovable. He also can summon the Mystical Ox Force, a power as old as oxen themselves. Some say Dr. Ox got his powers from a magic brown jacket, others say he was bitten by a radioactive ox...
Rebound / Michael
Rebound first discovered his powers during a football practice with the legendary Rhinos football team. He possesses the ability to bounce projectiles off of him at high speeds. Confirmed reboundables include: solid objects, projectile missiles, footballs and insults
Super Yaganoosh / Joey
The mystery man of The INVINCISQUAD, Super Yaganoosh's powers are unknown and seem to change at times. Some reports say he has energy blasts, while others say he can freeze things among others powers. Two thigs are clear: he can fly and his fashion sense is super.
Trigger Happy / Johnny
Armed with an array of highly explosive weaponry, Trigger Happy is a master of Explosives and always has a stick of dynamite handy. His name comes from his tendancy of jumping into situations and prematurely firing off super attacks.

The Wailer / Megan
Originally thought to be a whale hunting criminal, The Wailer has been revealed to be hero. The sassiest member of INVINCISQUAD, she is able to bellow incredible loud sonic wails. She carries a super sonic meganphone to increase her wails. While cleared of all whaling charges some urban legends say she is actually handy with a harpoon.
The Funky Finder & Little Boo
The Funky Finder is highly skilled at finding hidden and missing objects. A key Hero in any rescue mission, she is also undefeated at Hide and Seek. Her partner Little Boo is always flying at her side, and is helpful in a scuffle! *Winner of Wizard World Columbus Contest*

Roundtrip / Brandon
One way ticket? not with these powers. Roundtrip may frequently disappear but never worry! He’ll be right back before you know it! while some believe he can actually teleport, he truly is just really, really fast! and since force = mass x Acceleration, he has more force than a jedi
Drake-a-saurus Rex / Drake
in the blink of an eye, mild mannered drake can use his mythical ability to transform, at will, into the most powerful dinosaur to ever roam the earth. While most scientists believe a meteor killed the dinosaurs we know it was really the drake-a-saurus rex and his twin fireball cannons that caused the dinosaurs to go extinct.
Will D. Beest
Leader of the confusion of wildebeest in the proudlands. Will is also a great opera singer and makes delicious serengeti and meatballs.
The Kraken
Erupting from the sewers beneath the streets and ravaging downtown, this mighty seabeast is the first foe The Ultimate Alliance faced
Captain Eel-Ectric Eel Beard
Once a simple printer, Captain Eel-Ectric Eel Beard is now the leader of his swashbuckling crew of animatronic pirates. Though his journey from printer to pirate remains shrouded in mystery, we atleast know he traded an R and N for an A. Despite his name the Captain is still in search of enough willing electric eels to serve as his beard. Though rumor has it he has been seen shopping at a faux beard haberdashery. For now the Captain sails the skies in his flying rocket-ship!
Donald J. Trump
2 Time loser of the popular vote and the anti-Midas to everything he touches, Donald Trump is armed with an tiny fists of fury, his twitter account, orange cheeto blasts and totally completely natural hair.
Sock Lobster
As an aspiring entreprenear this crustacean tried opening a music club and a bookstore before turning to a sock stealing life of crime as the Sock Lobster.
Your channel 9.5 Sports reporter
Buck Roy
Lead anchor for the Channel 9.5 News team.
Bradley and Franklin
Co-Curators at the Museum of Extremely Breakable Things.
Works at the Zeppelin Cleaning Company, of whom Tom is a frequent customer of. Also knows how to work on blimps, kites and oversized paper airplanes.


Rumpus the Duck




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